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Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Disclaimer: This may make no sense since I had no idea what my film would be about, in addition, I'm still uncertain about this film. But... anyways..., enjoy.

My third year film is based on one of my Summer Homework stories. The story was called Dreams Are Real? And is based on my terrifying dreams about cats. (I don't hate cats, but I do have nightmares about them, sometimes) These dreams would often go along the lines of me seeing an adorable cat/kitten, proceeding to carry it and then before I know it, it turns into a demonic, humanised cat creature that chases me. And on top of that I can't even run fast in the dream.

What It's about; Teaser: Tasha is preparing herself for bed as she has school the following day, however, her dreams take her to a foreign land in the clouds, where animals rule and where her pet cat Mystic terrorises.

Synopsis: Cats, despite what we know about them or think we know about them, stay a mystery. From wondering where they go, how they randomly appear out of nowhere to wondering if they actually even like us as at all. Well, Tasha is about to have that same question, after encountering a terrifyingly, different version of her pet cat Mystic in the world of dreams.

How it will be done and Character Designs:

This will be done on TV Paint with hand drawn animation, and backgrounds might be done on Krita drawing software or Artweaver. In general, I'm going for a similar style as my 2nd year film, with bright, feminine-like colours and small cute characters. So it may look similar to my previous film, with excessive pinks and soft settings as a means to ease up the audience.

Tasha and her pet cat Mystic
Character Designs

Essay Link: Since I'm writing an essay about whether Disney is being surpassed by DreamWorks, and part of the essay discusses their villains, especially surprise villains, I thought what better way to do a film than with a surprise villain? (I hate surprise villains and I have no idea why I went with that, but whatever works works). What better way to end a film alluding to your pet being a secret arch nemesis. Who'd expect that?...

(Not sure if it's a solid fact, but it seemed interesting. Apparently cats will eat their owners if they die. And they start with the eyes.)

In addition I've completed a few scenes for my animation along with an animated background of a bathroom. This also includes the opening scene with my character preparing for bed and brushing her teeth.

Film design screenshots:


Animated Opening:

Film Trailer:

Anyways that's all for today ladies and gentlemen, click the heart if you enjoyed this post. And I will see you in my next upload. Now..., go and click something else. ('v')


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