For the 4D we were all assigned to create a 5 second animation. We were all given titles for our animation and my given title to work on was called Deserted Streets. To be honest I found working with 4D quite complicated and I was unable to physically make a street with 4D. However since the point of the project was to interpret the title in my own way I managed to conjure up something.
For this work I was partially influenced by computer generated adverts and by Yayoi Kasamas' infinity room. I may not have kept my work with shapes of circles and dots like her, but I was heavily influenced by the idea of shapes hanging and moving around to form one whole piece of art. To be specific this was more of a response to her piece known as Infinity Room. Infinity Room is a room full of mirrors that reflect the led lights in the area making the space look bigger than in reality. From looking at the pieces there is a mixture of beauty and isolation as a single person stands within the piece that is an illusion of infinite space. I thought making a piece inspired by that itself would link with my given title to work on called Deserted Streets.

After trials and tribulations, struggling with creating on 4D, I managed to use the text tool on 4D to attach the cloned shapes onto. And if one looks closer you might see that I have Deserted Streets written through the randomly placed shapes in sections. E.g, one might see that the first frame has a disjointed D and E for the beginning of the word Deserted. To add to that I also placed the shapes in a simple and desolate area with nothing around to try and capture that sense of being deserted. I don't know if this explains what I tried to do but none the less, here is my final 4D piece.
I know it's been a while since I ended a post with my usual polite ending, but that is because I have been extremely busy lately. But that is all for today ladies and gentlemen, thank for your time I really appreciate you for your support. Give the post a heart if you enjoyed my post and as usual, I will see you in my next upload. Now, go and click something else.