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1st Term: Photoshop And After Effects Lesson


Updated: May 5, 2022

For the past three weeks every Thursday I have been working on practicing making animations using Photoshop After Effects. This practice included securing a background setting, a sun animated in whatever way I wanted as well as animating the wings of a bird. Once these were all complete the final step would be too make the environment come to life by making the clouds move and the sun rise etc.

Once I had finished with the animation above I moved on to the next activity, which was to edit text into a video footage. This was pretty simple to do as all I had to do was import the footage onto Photoshop After Effects and mask around half of the ball.

Once that was done the next thing to do was to include text. I could chose to type up whatever I wanted with whatever font I pleased. I decided to make my text an argument that was once quite popular. You could say I chose violence that day. Once that was done I placed the text layer between the two footage layers. Finally I played the video and saw my full video edit as a result. In critique of my work I will say that I am not pleased with the glitched background of my footage edit, however I am fairly content with my first video edit tryout.

Thank you for reading Ladies and Gentlemen, and until next time I will see you in my next upload.


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