For this project, students were put in groups of twos and given a certain section of colours to use for a forty second animation. Each student in the pair was expected to at least do twenty seconds of animation. I was paired up with Charlotte, and together we were given the colours Turquois, Orange and Maroon to work with.
Skipping to our animation plan, we planned to make ours about a princess and a flower that turns into a prince. The flower would spend time trying to get the princesses attention in a busy ballroom, before falling off the table out of his pot and turning into a prince. The two would share a dance before kissing and live happily ever after, however since Charlotte did the story boarding and animatic the ending was changed. Instead of a happily ever after, she changed the ending to make the entire situation appear as an illusion to the princess and that the prince was never there. I was a little unsure about such a dark turn in the end, but we quickly agreed on it. (BTW I had the idea to have a princess and Charlotte had the idea to have a flower).
Once agreeing we got straight to work, using TV paint for our animation. I started first, as I was the background designer. I spent the first few days designing backgrounds before my partner began to animate over them. The plan was that she'd do some of her animation while I did the backgrounds, colouring and my side of animating as well.

For the animation, I leaned to watching movies that had a similar colour coding to our project. Our pair had to work with orange, turquois and maroon, and luckily I knew just the film to use for inspiration. As a young child I remember watching the 1990 Nutcracker Prince animated movie. The colours in the animation were what stood out to me, and I recognised the movie in general had an orange tint over it, making colours appear to be mature shades of turquois and maroons etc. It was the perfect inspiration for our animation.

Another movie I used for inspiration was Fantasia, but that was not for colour, it was for the scenes with the dancing flowers. I thought this would be a nice sprinkle of inspiration for our flower prince, however in the end he didn't wind up having a dance scene as a flower. Still, I thought this would be necessary to include.

My Animation Character sheets

Since the idea of having a princess was originally my idea, I did begin early when coming to the characters design. This was the princesses original design. I was going to make her dress orange at first and start the animation off with her gracefully dancing. I even did a quick try out animation on Stop Motion of her dancing.


Quick experimentation animation:
However the design plan kept changing and since I preferred Charlottes design, I scrapped this one.

Decided Designs
The princess would now be entirely maroon in colour and the prince/flower was to be completely turquois blue.

When coming to the scenes we all did, Charlotte did the first scenes up to the flowers transformation, and the dance. I animated and edited the flowers transformation to a prince and the animation scenes after their waltz dance. In addition I did the backgrounds and colouring too. I also edited the video on CapCut with sounds and effects.