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1st Term: Live Action Drawing Lesson


Updated: May 5, 2022

To be honest I have not been up to date when posting my live drawing lessons, hence why I am making my first post about it two months after I had originally started the lessons. So far we have spent every Thursday doing live drawings of different models, trying to capture an essence of believability in the sketches produced. I will admit I was very startled when introduced to the sudden activity of nude art... but you could say I am slowly recovering from that sunken place in my mind and am getting use to the exercise. Enough about me anyways and more about my recent lesson.

Last Thursday we were encouraged to use line to try and swiftly get an idea of our models structure and stance. As usual we began with doing quick sixty second sketches of the model, before moving on to do longer timed poses. Below are the photographs of the quick lined sketches done by me.

Live Drawing Line Sketches

While in the middle of sketching I did get advise from the tutor to not spend so much time on the lining. This was said since I have a habit of scribbling down lining and going over it again and again to try and secure the images form.

It was time consuming and a hard habit to drop. But I attempted to take on board the advise and try doing single lined drawings.

Single Lined Sketch

As seen above I managed to do quick sketches with less lines that looked less like a scribble. Later on we moved on to practice doing longer drawings, starting off with trying a ten minute timed sketch of the model. With this amount of time I was able to add more detail (obviously) to my sketches, and I was happy to finally add more aspects of detail onto my sketch. I particularly loved drawing the thick curly hair of the model as I thought it added so much more character to my picture; or maybe that was just me being desperate to add detail other than having a blank figure on paper.

Once that was done we went on to do twenty minute sketches, and I managed to do two of these as seen below.

20 Minute Sketch

That is all I have to present for today ladies and gentlemen. I hope you enjoyed the post, thank you for reading, I really appreciate you for your time and I will see you in my next upload.


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