On the first day back to Live Drawing class (well I'll admit I could not physically go on the first day so I attended by zoom), we practiced drawing characters in the same picture frame. This time we did not just draw one person, but eventually took our time to draw the model in different poses on different parts of the stage. By the end of the lesson everyone had drawn their own band of musicians. But of course, as usual, we started the lesson with our usual one minute and five minute drawings.

As the lesson progressed we moved on to drawing our frame of four characters. For this we were advised to do the picture landscape style for more space for the sketch. We took thirty seconds to roughly sketch the four different positions and poses of the model on a couch, holding different instruments. By the end I had a rough sketch of a band playing together.

Once that was done we repeated the same exercise, but were given more time. This time we took ten minutes to draw each character on the couch, and then when done took ten minutes to go over each character drawn and fill in blanks or any details that needed to be added. By the end I had a more detailed image of a band playing together. But I'll be honest here. I hate the picture and I prefer the rough sketch (maybe I should have just drawn over the rough sketch instead). Hates a strong word, but that's how I feel about my final sketch. I feel like the work is messy, and the man playing the tambourines head is too big. I feel like I drew the characters and each member of the band is from a different animated show. I don't think they look the same and there is a lack of harmony between the styles of how each man is drawn. That's my negative rant on my final picture. I'm not going to stress myself pretending I like some parts of it, so here is my final picture I spent my time drawing.

That is all I have for now ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your time, I really appreciate you, and you're free to now click something else.