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2nd Term: Live Drawing: Robed and Disrobed


Updated: May 5, 2022

I will happily say that for my second live drawing lesson I physically went to school.

Clapping meme GIF

For this lesson the model did most of his poses involving a rope. Most of the poses done involved him tugging, leaning of wrapping himself with the rope. I know this may not be anything to do with the topic, but I could not help but think of the scenes in the Dreamworks animation Prince Of Egypt, where the slaves were tugging at ropes to pull heavy bricks. The whole idea of hard labour was running through my mind throughout these moments in class. Now that I've gotten that said, here are the usual one minute poses.

As the lesson progressed we then moved on to trying two minute poses.

Two Minute Poses

Later it them moved on to becoming five.

Five Minute Poses

When coming to the end we were then instructed to try an exercise of drawing the model twice in the same pose. The two poses would be the same, only that one pose would be with him naked and the other would be with him clothed. I will admit I do like my drawings of this compared to the one I did last week with the band. I think this one looked more realistic and I can see a bit of improvement in my art as the image does look more realistic than my usual drawings would depict. In addition, this is the closest I've gotten to have my picture looking like the model rather than a cartoon adaptation of them.



As usual ladies and gentlemen I want to give a big thank you for your time. Give the post a heart if you enjoyed it. I really appreciate you, I will see you in my next upload and as I would say go and click something else.


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