Summer Sketches:
The sketches are random combinations and most of them are family and dream inspired, so nothing is solidified 100%. In addition, I also wanted to share a photograph of my new sketchbook, which I love very much ('v').

Other Things Done During Summer
I practiced digital art for the first time. (*v*)

The sketches were all drawn in pen; and as said before they were particularly inspired by the idea of dreams and family. I won't get too much into it for personal reasons, but over summer I did experience a rather unpleasant moment pertaining to family, and I just thought drawing myself with my siblings would help give that sense of union and tranquillity. The images of parts of the face and hands pertain to my dreams and how disjointed they can appear, sometimes thinking you may have seen someone you know, only to awake and realise you might've never met such a person. In all honesty, the dream link doesn't have very much of a deep meaning: I've just been having strange dreams over the summer. But that's all from me.
If you enjoyed this post click the heart. And I will see you in my next upload. Now, go and click something else. ('v')